the embiggener, by bwmosher

A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man — Springfield Town Motto (S7E16)

why does this exist?

This is a tool that  I  made for teaching in a NYC public high school, continually confronted by a few constraints and needs that I have:

So, gradually I made that happen. There are two places where I got JavaScript help from one of my students, in the parsing of query string parameters, and in the function that implements replacing RFC 1345 mnemonics in the text. I'll ask him if I have his permission to mention his name beyond the initials mentioned on the main page: V.V.

The color scheme is Ethan Schoonover's Solarized. →← →←. You can read more about his very thoughtfully-designed light/dark color scheme here. I have followed his design principles in assigning the colors and programming the way the light mode and dark mode toggle. Toggle here: .

feature list


To demonstrate the capabilities of this tool, I'd like to just leave some examples that I have used myself: